Reflective Resistance

Red, White, and True: The Democratic Reclamation of Patriotism

Red, White, and True: The Democratic Reclamation of Patriotism Street Art

By Michael Smith

As the dust settles from the Democratic National Convention, one thing is clear: there’s a new sheriff in town, and it’s draped in red, white, and blue. The word “Patriot” has been officially reclaimed, and not a moment too soon. For too long, this word has been locked in a cage, snarling and frothing at the mouth, wielded like a blunt instrument by a select few who believe patriotism is all about flag pins, fireworks, and an unhealthy obsession with chanting “USA!” at the slightest provocation.

But here’s the kicker: true patriotism has never been about who yells the loudest or waves the biggest flag. It’s about who shows up, who stands up, and who does the hard work of building a better nation. And that’s precisely what the Democrats did—quietly, but with unmistakable resolve—at their convention and beyond.

Patriotism Reimagined

Let’s be honest. The word “Patriot” has been through the wringer. It’s been hijacked, misused, and turned into something unrecognizable. But the DNC gave us a different vision—a patriotism that’s inclusive, forward-looking, and yes, even a little bit idealistic. Because let’s face it, the true spirit of America isn’t found in the nostalgia of “the good old days,” but in the potential of what we can become.

During the DNC, we saw a diverse array of speakers who embodied this reimagined patriotism. They spoke about justice, equality, and the American dream—not as a relic of the past, but as a living, breathing goal we must strive for every day. It wasn’t about chest-thumping nationalism; it was about quiet determination to live up to the ideals this country was founded on.

This wasn’t just a one-off. It’s part of a broader movement to reclaim patriotism from those who have used it as a shield for exclusionary and, frankly, un-American ideas. You see, real patriots don’t just love America—they love what America could be. They understand that loving your country doesn’t mean ignoring its flaws; it means working to fix them.

The Patriot’s New Clothes

Now, let’s talk about the new “Patriots” emerging from this movement—not the ones who show up at rallies with their faces painted like the Fourth of July, but those who are quietly putting in the work. These are the Americans who understand that true patriotism is about service, sacrifice, and a commitment to the common good.

Remember the roll call at the DNC? It wasn’t just a parade of states—it was a powerful reminder of the country’s diversity and the unity that can arise from it. Each state brought its own flavor, its own struggles, and its own triumphs. This is the America that the new patriots are fighting for—one where everyone has a seat at the table.

This isn’t about creating a new club with a secret handshake; it’s about expanding the circle. It’s about recognizing that patriotism isn’t the exclusive domain of any one group or ideology. It’s about reclaiming the word from those who’ve twisted it into something ugly and divisive.

Patriotism vs. Nationalism: Know the Difference

Here’s a little history lesson for you: The word “patriot” comes from the Greek “patrios,” meaning “of one’s fathers.” It’s supposed to mean someone who loves their country and is committed to its well-being. But somewhere along the line, that definition got warped. Suddenly, being a patriot meant being a nationalist, and the two are not the same. Not by a long shot.

Nationalism is about saying, “My country, right or wrong.” It’s about blind loyalty, even when your country is on the wrong side of history. Patriotism, on the other hand, is about loving your country enough to hold it to a higher standard. It’s about pushing your country to be better, even when it’s hard, especially when it’s hard.

Take a look at this brilliant piece on the differences between patriotism and nationalism from Illustrate to Educate: Patriotism vs. Nationalism. This distinction is crucial because it’s at the heart of the battle to reclaim patriotism.

The Real Patriots of Today

So, who are the real patriots today? They’re the ones who show up—not just for parades, but for protests, for town hall meetings, and for the everyday grind of making this country a better place. They’re the ones who vote, who volunteer, and who stand up for justice, even when it’s unpopular. They’re the ones who understand that being a patriot isn’t about wrapping yourself in the flag; it’s about living up to what that flag represents.

We need to reclaim patriotism from those who would use it to divide us. We need to make it clear that real patriots are the ones who fight for the rights of all Americans, not just the ones who look or think like them.

This movement isn’t about rejecting the past—it’s about building on it. It’s about taking the best of what this country has to offer and making sure that everyone has access to it. It’s about understanding that America’s greatness lies not in its past glories, but in its future potential.

A Call to Action

Now, here’s where you come in. If you’re tired of seeing patriotism co-opted by those who don’t understand what it truly means, it’s time to stand up. It’s time to reclaim the word for all of us who believe in the American dream—who believe that this country can be a place where everyone has a shot at success, where justice is served, and where equality isn’t just a word, but a reality.

Want to see what true patriotism looks like in action? Check out this powerful video on how we can all get involved in making America the country it’s supposed to be: Watch on YouTube. It’s a call to arms—not in the literal sense, but in the sense of showing up, speaking out, and doing the work.

And if you’re ready to take action, here’s what you can do:

  1. Volunteer: Whether it’s at your local polling station or in your community, there’s always work to be done. Real patriots don’t just talk the talk—they walk the walk.
  2. Vote: This one should be obvious, but it’s worth repeating. Your vote is your voice, and it’s one of the most patriotic things you can do.
  3. Hold Leaders Accountable: Being a patriot means holding your elected officials to account. If they’re not living up to the ideals this country was founded on, let them know.
  4. Educate Yourself and Others: Knowledge is power. The more you know about what’s going on in this country, the better equipped you’ll be to make a difference.

Wrapping Up

In the end, reclaiming patriotism isn’t just about changing the way we talk—it’s about changing the way we act. It’s about making sure that this country lives up to its highest ideals, and that everyone, no matter who they are, has a place in it.

So let’s reclaim the word “patriot” and make it something we can all be proud of again. Let’s show the world that true patriots are the ones who believe in the promise of America and are willing to fight to make that promise a reality for everyone.

Because in the end, patriotism isn’t just about loving your country—it’s about loving your country enough to make it better.

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